Production Organization - Costing, SPC, DoE, DoE
For the design, planning, operation and improvement of production processes (Organization & Production Management) the Quality cycle is always followed: Design, Implementation, Evaluation, Improvement Actions. (Plan-Do-Check Act).

AQS applies an integrated methodology based on international standards such as e.g. the Baldridge international model of business excellence and Lean Manufacturing best practices such as, among others, ABC Costing, Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Design Of Experiments (DoE) for over 2 decades.

Before starting the actions to improve the production organization, special emphasis is placed on the role of Leadership and on the formation of values and processes of goal setting, planning, coaching and motivation as well as on the cultivation of skills such as effectiveness, prioritization, communication, problem management, decision making, stress management, time management and conflict management.
For the organization & production improvement, systemic and methodological approaches are applied with an emphasis on the control of information flow, such as process mapping with the SIPOC method and Deming's quality cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act). Project planning and monitoring tools that AQS has systematically developed and implemented for over 2 decades are used for work planning. In addition, machine layout optimization processes are supported in the production areas using Group Technology techniques.
The integrated methodologies applied by AQS are:
Lean Six Sigma: AQS consultants improve their customers' production processes by reducing the design and production costs of their products.
Design of Experiments (DoE): Experiments are designed that aim to describe and explain the variability of process behavior under conditions that reflect variation in the variables that influence it.
ABC Costing: Maximize the ability and accuracy of quantifying improvement and prioritizing improvement actions using Pareto Analysis.
5S: It refers to the systematic improvement of orderliness, ergonomics and safety in the operation of some areas of their units.
An important part of the Production organization is also the Productivity and Quality control mechanism. For productivity, special emphasis is placed on the application of the composite Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) index.
For quality control, AQS provides Quality management support services using Statistical Process Control (SPC). Given the need for timely diagnosis of Quality problems in the Receipts processes as well as Quality assurance during Production, the development of Sampling plans is supported in accordance with international norms such as e.g. ISO 2859-1 or MIL-STD-1916 and Control Charts to monitor and document the compliance of production processes with the quality characteristics agreed with the customer.
AQS synthesizes and harmonizes all factors leading the Organization to Operational Excellence.