- “Finance for Non-Finance” Handbook
- Presentation of the seminar
- Tool for preparing the Budget & monitoring deviations
- Financial Planning Tools, Admin. Enterprise Value, Balance Sheet Forecast, Comp. Indicators, Admin. Z Score (Sustainability), Flexible Budget
- No extra cost Support for a whole year on seminar topics
The seminar is implemented electronically through a special web-platform, which has the possibility of full Interactivity (Interaction), face-to-face communication, two-way questioning and interaction between the participants, as if they were in a training room.
An understanding of basic Financial concepts is essential for Management and non-Finance Executives. If they do not know basic Financial concepts, they will not be able to understand where the Business is heading, how the competitors are moving in the important Financial Indicators, what elements the Banks evaluate and what Working Capital is necessary for the development of the Business.
In addition, it should be taken into account that:
- All the decisions that managers and executives of a company are asked to make every day require the analysis of financial figures, the knowledge of relevant concepts and the ability to interpret balance sheets and other financial statements
- Executives perform better when they understand how Financial Success is measured
- They should have a basic understanding of the company's Financial Risks, but also of the wider Financial environment, in order to plan timely Actions and avoid unwanted actions
- They should anticipate possible actions by Competitors or Suppliers
- They should make informed decisions based on appropriate Tools that will be given to them Proposals by Executives who understand and document the Financial implications are more likely to be accepted by Management
- There are indicators that show the viability or not of the business and the Executive must know this in order to take preventive measures.
Finally, they should be able to identify and control key sensitive points of the Company, dangerous for possible wrongdoing.
Executives who do not understand basic concepts, cannot understand the decisions on which the Financial results of the Company are based. Very often it has been observed that the financially unsubstantiated proposals of these executives have the result that they are ultimately pushed to the sidelines.
In this Seminar, the participants will familiarize themselves, in a simple and comprehensible way, through case studies, examples and tools, with the necessary Financial knowledge for the above.
The Consultants of our Company will cover for 12 months the support of the Participants by providing answers - clarifications to their possible questions.
The Seminar is addressed to Entrepreneurs and Business Executives and aims to learn basic Finances, so that they can communicate effectively with Financial Management and Bank Executives and make correct Financial decisions.
Course Content
- Structure, content and evaluation of the elements of the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement and the Cash Flow
- Analysis of concepts: Contribution Margin, Markup, EBITDA
- What is Working Capital and how is it calculated
- Legal forms of companies and how they are taxed
- Investment Evaluation (NPV, IRR, Payback, ARR)
- The necessity of Internal Audit
- Methods of calculating the Company’s Value
- The importance of Logistics Costs in the Competitiveness and Profitability of the Company
- Funding sources. Which loan benefits the business
- Sensitive to possible wrongdoing points of the Company
- How to identify the risks of a Business
- What is Factoring, Forfeiting, Sales & Lease Back
- Financial Performance Indicators
- They will understand the financial implications of their proposals and decisions
- They will be able to identify the Risks of their company in time and take preventive measures
- They will recognize the financial reliability of the Suppliers
- They will become familiar with the ways to properly utilize Working Capital and how this affects Profitability
- They will assess probabilities of competition moves based on the liquidity reflected on their balance sheets
- They will be able to evaluate the profitability of an investment
- They will understand the criticality of Logistics in the Profitability of the Company, as due to their importance, a section of the Seminar is dedicated to the cost of Logistics in the competitiveness of the Company
- They will understand the importance of Budgeting and Cash Flow
- They will be able to read a balance sheet as well as potential feasibility interventions
- They will get to know the way in which Banks evaluate their Business
- They will learn how to calculate the Z Index, which is related to the viability of the Company

Vasilis Bakalis
Live Online Training
Start Date & Time: 27/02/2025 9:30 amEnd Date & Time: 27/02/2025 5:00 pm
Venue & Hall: E-learning,
Discount analysis:
20% discount for the 3rd and every subsequent.

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